The links below provide access to a decision tree designed to help in the post infection clean-up and post infection activity to secure a system better into the future. The decision tree information in each of the different views below is an incomplete decision tree. It will probably never be finished as the response will continue to evolve as threats evolve. In the meantime, this decision tree provides a good starting point from which to build upon. The decision tree includes step by step instructions on handling an infection and also links for further research.
NOTICE: This site is NOT endorsed or supported by any corporation. It is the intent that this content be updated with feedback from the community for the benefit of the community. All information provided in this website has been compiled from public sources/Knowledge base articles and community conversations. Primary data source for this content is and interactions with security community.
Malware Identifier Decision Tree 1.1 (Outline View)
Malware Identifier Decision Tree 1.1 (Flash Version
Malware Identifier Decision Tree 1.1 (Java Version)